CVジョイントブーツ リア/996 [928-332-293-02]
販売価格: 2,560円(税別)
(税込: 2,816円)
CV Joint Boot, Rear Inner or Outer
930 Turbo (1986-89)
911 Carrera Coupe (1995-97),
911 Carrera Convertible (1995-98)
911 Carrera 2 Coupe (1990-94),
911 Carrera 2 Convertible (1990-94)
911 Carrera 2 and 911 Carrera 4 Targa (1990-93),
911 Carrera 4 Coupe (1989-98)
911 Carrera 4 Convertible (1990-93, 1995-98),
911 Carrera 4S and 911 Targa Coupe (1996-98)
911 Carrera S Coupe (1998),
911 Turbo Coupe (1996-97)
911 Carrera Coupe with Manual Transmission (2002) シャシーNo. 992S621917まで
911 Carrera Coupe with Auto Transmission (2002) シャシーNo.992S621931まで
911 Carrera 4S Coupe with Auto Transmission (2002) シャシーNo.992S621931まで
911 Carrera 4S Coupe with Manual Transmission (2002) シャシーNo.992S621917まで
911 Carrera and 911 Carrera 4 Coupe (1999-01),
911 Carrera and 911 Carrera 4 Convertible (1999-01)
911 Carrera and 911 Carrera 4 Convertible with Manual Transmission (2002) シャシーNo.992S652779まで
911 Carrera and 911 Carrera 4 Convertible with Auto Transmission (2002) シャシーNo.992S652810まで
911 GT2 Coupe (2002-05),
911 GT3 Coupe (2004-05)
911 Turbo Coupe (2001-05),
911 Turbo Convertible (2004-05)
911 Turbo S Coupe (2005),
911 Turbo S Convertible (2005)
911 GT2 Coupe (2008-09)
911 Turbo Coupe (2007-09)
911 Turbo Convertible (2008-09)